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Unveiling the Talent of Lucien Smith: From Accidental Marks to a Million-Dollar Abstract Art Career

Jul 9, 2024

1 min read




Abstract Art
The Talented Artist Lucien Smith

One of Lucien Smith’s many paintings


As evident by his art, Lucien Smith is a master of abstraction and simplicity. People recognize Smith's work for its process-based abstract paintings, which employ accidental and improvisational marks to create loose all-over compositions.


His Rain Paintings, which consist of paint-filled fire extinguishers, are regarded as a classic example of what critics nicknamed "Zombie Formalism" in the early 2010s.


These artworks that depict simple rain or flooding by abstract means are also classic examples of how the sky is the limit with creativity, especially in non-realistic themes. His abstract methods of simplistic painting adds striking detail to his works. 


His skill with artistic works garnered him swift success. In 2014, the artist earned $3.7 million from auctions. The artist has sold numerous paintings for hundreds of thousands per piece.

Jul 9, 2024

1 min read